About Dhanmondi Society

The name of the society is Dhanmondi Society.
The Registered Office of the Society is situated at House 11(Ground floor), Road: 04, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205. Contact: 01404004100 / 01404004101.
Legal Status
The Society is registered under the Societies Registaration Act XXI of 1860, Reg No.S-13791/2022
Territorial Limits
The territorial limit of this Society is cover Dhanmondi Residential area as marked by RAJUK and shall include man made as well as natural lakes and water bodies around it.
The primary objectives for which the society is organized are: All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt. / Concerned authority / competent authority before implementation of the object
  • To support the residents of Dhanmondi regardless of race, religion, caste, the overall well-being and mutual understanding of the local residents by cultivating good relations among the residents, also by creating strong social bonds and overall cooperation.
  • To create a social forum by discussing non-political issues and to encourage various social activities through the formation of voluntary sub-committees.
  • To actively participate in social discipline and overall welfare to organize various sports events considering the important aspects of social, cultural and safety of residents.
  • Working towards by removing traffic congestion of accidents and uninterrupted movement of pedestrians by illegal mobile shops, clearing sidewalks by deploying community police and ensuring one-way movement by using road signs on the roads. Strengthen security at the entrance and exit of the area through security personnel with electronic security system with the coordinating of local authority.
  • To monitor and ensure regular sewerage, waste disposal, road cleaning and mosquito eradication activities in the area in coordination with the City Corporation.
  • Ensuring free and safety access to local residents by strengthening tree protection, conservation and beautification of lakes, parks and playgrounds.
  • To make Dhanmondi livable and to achieve environmental development by controlling all kinds of unwanted environment and noise pollution.
  • To set up regular medical camps to help the underprivileged people, also supplying food, clothing and educational materials.
  • Create awareness to raise voice against all kinds of anti-social activities and drugs, to create social movement by creating public awareness and taking all necessary steps in coordination with local authority.
  • The Dhanmondi Society will continue to work tirelessly to make the traditional Dhanmondi a safe, developed and secure residential area with modern facilities.

The Dhanmondi Society and all its affairs shall be managed and conducted by an Executive Committee (in short EC) which shall be elected by the General Body (General and Life member only) in an Annual General Meeting of the Society. The EC shall be comprised of 19(nineteen) members as follows:

President 1
Vice President 2
General Secretary 1
Joint Secretary 1
Organizing Secretary 1
Financial Secretary 1
Office Secretary 1
Women Affairs Secretary 1
Welfare Secretary 1
Education and legal Secretary 1
Cultural Secretary 1
Community Health Secretary 1
Community Environmental Secretary 1
Sports Secretary 1
Media and Communication Secretary 1
Public Relation Secretary 1
Member 2